About Us
Kwaklei and Khonggunmelei Orchids Pvt. Ltd. is an agri-biotech company established with a vision to revolutionize orchid industry in India by synthesizing high quality hybrid orchids using biotechnology tools and make available to the growers at competitive price. Our mission is to produce hybrid orchids which will have high commercial potential in terms of cut flower and pot flowers. Besides harnessing their horticultural potential, the genetic as well as biochemical properties of these valuable plant resources of India shall also be exploited for scientific understanding and economic growth. An orchid breeding and micropropagation laboratory was established with assistance from of Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council (BIRAC), Dept. of Biotechnology Govt. of India under the Biotechnology Ignition Grant (BIG) and Small Business Innovation Research Initiative (SBIRI) programmes. The company has elite clones of some of the promising hybrids such as Shiv Shidhu, MS Swaminathan, Crestwood Rose, Prof. G.J. Sharma, Momon Shija, Kebisana Shija, etc. Besides, a number of secondary hybrids based on the above mentioned primary hybrids have also been developed to ensure new product lines for future.
Vision & Mission
Vision: To revolutionize orchid industry in India
Mission: To facilitate the growth of orchid industry in India by synthesizing high quality hybrid orchids using biotechnology tools and make available to the growers at competitive price
Plant Tissue Culture Laboratory
Hi-tech greenhouse
Classical breeding, Molecular breeding and Mutation breeding
Plant Tissue Culture
Hi-tech greenhouse cultivation
Dr. Ibeyaima Innovation Award – 2018, from Manipur Science and Technology Council (MASTEC), Govt. of Manipur
Kangla, Shiv Shidhu, MS Swaminathan, Okram Ibobi, Prof. G.J. Sharma, Momon Shija, Kebisana Shija